
Agile Fundamentals

Duration: 2 Days

Who should attend:

In this Agile fundamentals training course, you will gain the necessary knowledge to become an ICAgile Certified Professional (ICP). You will learn about the key aspects of value-driven development, adaptive planning techniques, self-organising teams and why they are critical to success in a world of accelerating change while referencing popular Agile approaches such as Scrum and Kanban.


No Knowledge of Agile is assumed for this course.

You can download the outline HERE

Price: £1995+VAT

Want to talk through your training requirements with one of our curriculum specialists? You can get in touch by EMAIL or PHONE

Module 1: Complexity, Agile Values and Principles

  • Embracing complexity in a volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous (VUCA) world

  • Recognising how Business Agility enables organisations to continuously innovate in the face of change

  • Articulating the values of the Agile Manifesto and the principles behind them

  • Understanding that Agile product development is disruptive to traditional ways of working

  • Locating the current drive to Agile in the history of development practice and theory

Module 2: Growing self-Organising Teams

  • Rooting the concept of self-organising teams in complex thinking

  • Delivering 'early and often' for Return on Investment and feedback

  • Exploring the characteristics of a 'real team'

  • Shifting roles and responsibilities toward a self-managing team

  • Navigating conflict so that it drives team behaviours in a positive direction

  • Developing genuinely collaborative behaviours

  • Establishing environments that facilitate collaboration

Module 3: Value-Driven Delivery

  • Delivering business-valued functionality as a priority

  • Resolving the efficiency paradox: resource efficiency vs. flow-of-value efficiency

  • Explicitly focusing on outcomes rather than outputs

  • Limiting Work In Progress (WIP)

  • Understanding the importance of 'pull' systems for product quality

Module 4: Planning, Monitoring, and Adapting with Agile

  • Exploiting the ‘Chain of Goals’ to efficiently deliver customer value

  • Understanding the need for continuous product discovery

  • Envisioning products to establish the ‘big picture’

  • Planning to achieve product, business, and user goals and iteration goals

  • Regarding customers as individuals or groups who extract or generate business value

  • Viewing other stakeholders as people or groups who exert oversight or impose constraints

  • Prioritising customers as the most important and relevant stakeholders

  • Writing user stories to drive conversations with different classes of customer

  • Splitting user stories so that they fit into inspect-and-adapt cycles

  • Coordinating work through information radiators

  • Estimating effort with relative sizing units (e.g., story points)

  • Tracking progress by measuring velocity and/or cycle time

  • Holding reviews and retrospectives to adapt product and process

Module 5: The Agile Mindset

  • Reflecting on Agile adoption as a paradigm shift

  • Thinking about 'being Agile' in order to 'do Agile'

  • Transforming leadership styles to accommodate Agile

  • Comparing the 'growth' mindset to the 'fixed' mindset

  • Enumerating aspects of the 'professional' Agile mindset

  • Contrasting the professional Agile mindset with  the 'bureaucratic' mindset

  • Recognising the key indicators of the mindset in teams

  • Observing the Agile mindset in individuals

  • Comparing the Agile Fluency ® Model with traditional maturity models for growing the Agile mindset

  • Using business goals to select fluency levels needed

  • Changing muscle memory to improve fluency

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